The Regional Studies Association: Gender, Entrepreneurship and Structural Transformation

This network seeks to build a sustainable group of European and other key international experts (young scientists as well as established researchers and practitioners) from different disciplines and methodological perspectives with the objective of identifying exploratory gaps in the research topic identified above. The meetings will be a starting point and will be open to researchers from diverse countries and regions. The interdisciplinary and international composition of the network coordinators and anticipated participants will enable the development of new and innovative research designs to find solutions for the problem that the entrepreneurial discourse is still gendered and is still ignoring regional and structural barriers and conditions. The planned outcome will be the development of multi-disciplinary model to explain how entrepreneurship has been developed in industrial heartlands and how it influences/contributes to structural transformation. As such, it will contribute to the debate on entrepreneurship, SMEs and innovation in Europe and worldwide.

Network organisers:

Professor Joanne Duberley, University of Birmingham

Dr Caroline Chapain, University of Birmingham

Dr Ute Pascher, University of Duisberg Essen

Professor Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

Professor Marylyn Carrigan, Coventry University

For more information contact Jo Duberley at

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